When I moved from California to Buffalo I was warned about the climate difference. Snow storms, ice storms. You know mother natures coldest weather systems seemed to be the stomping grounds of where I was going to move my family. My brother in law who had lived in an area such as this had told me with all confidence to invest in a home generator. “Trust me on this one.” He told me. So I bought a power generator and we were now in our new home. The snow and ice was such a shock to me. Definitely felt like a fish out of water. The winters there here can be pretty harsh but it’s always nice to come to a nice warm home. Within, our first winter we were hit by a huge ice storm. Cars, were encased in ice, trees looked like they were made of glass. And without fail the power was out and would be out for a couple days. If it wasn’t for my brother in laws pushing for me to get a generator my family and I would have been frozen solid.

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